Making West Pharmaceutical Pick #5 in my Special Report 10 New Ideas for an Old Rally
Here’s what I wrote today when I added this stock to my Special Report.
Here’s what I wrote today when I added this stock to my Special Report.
The Standard & Poor’s 500 Index had a banner first half of 2024 with the index climbing more than 17% as of June 30. But two-thirds of that gain is attributable to just six stocks: Nvidia (NVDA), Microsoft (MSFT), Alphabet (GOOG), Amazon.com (AMZN), Meta Platforms (META), and Apple (AAPL.).Track the performance of equal-weighted version of the S&P 500–rather than the commonly tracked index where the contribution of any stock to the index is weighted by market cap–and the index was up just 3.9% in the first half of 2024. For the second half of 2024 and looking ahead to 2024, I’m not so much worried about the fundamentals of this extraordinary rally as I am by a failure of market imagination Everybody owns the same 6 stocks. Hey, I get the excitement around these stocks and the boom in Artificial Intelligence. I share it. Which is why I own shares of Nvidia, Amazon, and Alphabet in my online portfolios. But there are 494 other stocks in the S&P 500. And 2000 stocks in the small-cap Russell 2000.(Up 9% in the first half of 2024.)After a rally that has recorded 30 new record highs for the S&P 500 just the first half of n 2024, some of that other 494–or 2000–are actually better stock buys, and likely to out perform the 6 stocks everybody owns from their current record high prices. But which ones? That’s what my Special Report: “10 New Stock Ideas for an Old Rally” is all about.
It’s been a while but I haven’t forgotten. Back on October 5 I named Intuit (INTU) my eighth pick in my Special Report: 10 Greatest “Savings Account Stocks. Which meant that I owned readers two more picks. Today’s pick of West Pharmaceutical Services (WST) is pick No.9. One more to go. (As with picks No. 7 MasterCard and No. 8 Intuit, I’m suggesting that you hold off on buying West Pharmaceutical until we see a bigger dip or what I now anticipate as the end of the current extreme volatility sometime around March 2022.)
I’m starting up my videos on JubakAM.com again–this time using YouTube as a platform. My seventy-fifth YouTube video “4 Picks for the Omicron Wave” went up today.
On to Stage #2 in my Special Report: “Profit and Protect–What you need to know about stock market stages for 2021. And to my rules for the sells and hedges in Stage #2 for 2021: When you win, you lose. (I just posted sells for ILMN, CTVA, WST and VMW)