We’re looking at a global debt bomb

We’re looking at a global debt bomb

“Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!” Monty Python observed back in 1970 before attempting to torture a coal-miner’s wife with a dish rack. There’s an important investing version of this core truth: The financial market usually worries about the wrong problem. So that when the “Spanish Inquisition” (in financial terms) finally arrives, everybody is surprised. Well, we investors and traders have done it to ourselves again. We’ve spent much of 2022 and a good part of 2023 worrying about whether Federal Reserve interest rate increases would send the economy into a recession. There are still a few recession die hards worrying about that possibility, but by and large the worry has shifted to whether or not the Fed will delay its rate cuts in 2024–and thus delay the arrival of the “rate-cut-bounce.” While MANY–but certainly not all–investors, traders, and market analysts have been looking OVER THERE, however, the credit markets have built up a huge debt overhead and the global debt bomb looks ever closer to exploding. A crisis with the dire effects of the Global Financial Crisis of mid-2007 to 2009 is a possibility. I’d “guess” that most portfolios aren’t ready. The time to get ready is now. This increasingly looks like a debt market crisis of the type known as a Minsky Moment. To get ready first understand the source of the problem. I’m putting together a new Special Report for next week on what to do to get ready. Today’s post is a kind of set up, a get ready for the post on getting ready, if you will.

Moody’s moves Ford debt to junk

Moody’s moves Ford debt to junk

Back on August 30 I wrote that several credit rating companies had put the debt of Kraft Heinz (KHC) on their radar screens for a possible downgrade to junk status from investment grade. That would be, I noted, a big deal both for Kraft Heinz and the bond market as a...
More signs of the coming credit crunch

More signs of the coming credit crunch

Looking for signs that lenders are taking on more risk and driving the credit markets to shakeout and a Minsky Moment, when suddenly credit gets not just expensive but really scarce? Here's one. Now the regulators have loosened up on Wall Street, the country's biggest...