Please Watch My New YouTube Video: How Long Before Climate Change Forces the Fed to Rethink Inflation?

Please Watch My New YouTube Video: How Long Before Climate Change Forces the Fed to Rethink Inflation?

Today’s topic is How Long Before Climate Change Forces the Fed to Rethink Inflation? In Jerome Powell’s most recent report to the House and Senate, he made it clear that interest rates would be raised higher than previous expectations and that 50 basis points weren’t off the table for the March 22 meeting. The CME’s Fed tool, which tracks how the market believes the Fed will move rates, was showing a 50/50 split of 25 and 50 basis points on March 7. The week before that, the odds of a 50 basis point hike were only at 24%. We can see the market is coming around to the idea of maintaining higher interest rate hikes. How does this relate to climate change? Well, another data point is coming out on Friday; the jobs report. The big blow-out in January jobs is directly related to climate change. January had about 200,000 additional jobs created due to the fact that it was warmer than usual for the month. Those actual numbers were seasonally adjusted with past trends of colder Januaries, when jobs had been lost due to the colder weather, leading to very questionable final numbers. The Fed’s division of inflation into an “all prices” number and a core rate is also becoming questionable. The Fed often focuses on the core rate, which leaves out food and energy price increases, but those are two categories that are likely to be central to the way that warming temperatures change the global economy. At some point, the Fed will have to figure out how it will handle those two categories of prices, and how climate change will lead to a new calculation of the neutral interest rate.