Saturday Night Quarterback says, For the week ahead expect…

Saturday Night Quarterback says, For the week ahead expect…

This week I expect the rotation from worry to relief over the Trump administration’s tariff policy and a potential trade war with China to stay in control of the narrative. Next week we’re likely to shift to earnings stories as companies begin to report really good first quarter earnings. After a couple of weeks of that we’ll either slide back to the trade narrative or start to get ready for the Federal Reserve narrative surrounding a June invest rate hike.

Trick or Trend: What’s with the punishment being dished out to low-risk stocks lately?

Trick or Trend: What’s with the punishment being dished out to low-risk stocks lately?

This week investors and traders have been treated to one of the most difficult kinds of stock markets to navigate–the news-driven, trendless market. This week the downward direction of the market has been in reaction to the President’s announcement of tariffs on imported steel and aluminum. Next week the market could reverse if President Donald Trump changed his mind. Or it could sink further–and quickly–if nations such as China and Brazil and nation-groups such as the European Union decided to implement retaliatory tariffs