April 4, 2019 | Daily JAM, QSR, Stock Alerts |
My apologies. Sometimes the bookkeeping in my portfolios gets a little complicated and I miss an entry. On February 20 I made Restaurant Brands International (QSR) the first pick in my Special Report on JubakAM.com "10 stocks for a market worried about an earnings...
April 4, 2019 | Daily JAM, NKTR, Stock Alerts |
Nektar Therapeutics (NKTR) won't miss Wall Street earnings projections when it reports its first quarter financial results on May 9--because the company won't report any earnings. The consensus projection now has the company reporting a loss of 76 cents a share on...
April 3, 2019 | Daily JAM, Stock Alerts, ZNH |
I can't find any news that explains why shares of China Southern Airlines (ZNH) are up 12% today. The entire Chinese market is higher on positive news on the U.S.-China trade talks, but that's been good for gains like 0.56% on JD.Com (JD) and 0.85% on CTRP...
April 2, 2019 | Daily JAM, SGMO, Stock Alerts |
Two big pieces of positive news popped shares of Sangamo Therapeutics (SGMO) today by 28.96% at the close. First, Sangamo announced interim data from its Hemophilia A program with Pfizer (PFE). The SB-525 gene therapy Phase 1/2 study in eight patients showed...
April 2, 2019 | Daily JAM, Stock Alerts, TWLO |
I added Twilio (TWLO) to my Special Report 10 most dangerous stocks for earnings season yesterday. Today, I'm selling it out of my Volatility Portfolio ahead of earnings. I'd look to rebuy, again, on any plunge, which is why I've made it my #3 pick in my Bonus Special...
April 1, 2019 | Daily JAM, MIDD, Stock Alerts |
Most of the time when I look at Middleby's (MIDD) I focus on earnings growth from organic sources (which in turn means I look at the fortunes of the restaurant sectors that buy cooking equipment from Middleby) and from acquisitions. Middleby's business model says...
April 1, 2019 | Daily JAM, HP, Stock Alerts |
I named Helmerich & Payne (HP) #6 in my Special Report on the 10 most dangerous stocks for this earnings season. After naming Pioneer Natural Resources (PXD) #4 and Diamondback Energy (FANG) #5, I asked What do those two oil shale producers have in common? They're...
April 1, 2019 | Daily JAM, MRK, Stock Alerts |
Merck's cancer drug Keytruda continues to build global momentum. Today Merck (MRK) announced that China has approved Keytruda for first-line treatment of metastatic nonsquamous non-small cell lung cancer in combination with chemotherapy. The stock, which is a member...
April 1, 2019 | Daily JAM, FANG, Stock Alerts |
Diamondback Energy (FANG) made #5 in my Special Report on the 10 most dangerous stocks this earnings season. And I'm selling it out of my Jubak Picks Portfolio today, April 1. If you're looking for immediate warning signs for the upcoming quarter Diamondback Energy...
March 20, 2019 | Daily JAM, Stock Alerts, XOM, You Might Have Missed |
I'm part way through the annual rebalancing of my Dividend Portfolio (with other portfolios to follow.) The initial stage of that process requires a close look at which of the stocks in the portfolio I'd like to keep for another year (based on their prospects for the...
March 19, 2019 | DG, Stock Alerts |
At a moment when all of brick and mortar retailing can seem to be suffering, Dollar General (DG) has announced that it will open 975 new stores in 2019 and remodel 1,000 existing stores. For 2019 capital expenditures are projected at $775 million to $825 million or...
March 14, 2019 | Daily JAM, DLR, Stock Alerts |
For Digital Realty Trust (DLR), a REIT that owns 198 data centers in 32 metropolitan areas with 2,300 customers, the case for stable earnings growth--one of my criteria for stocks to own during the earnings recession that's looming for 2019--is pretty solid. The...