Please watch my new YouTube video: Quick Pick Yara International

Please watch my new YouTube video: Quick Pick Yara International

I’m starting up my videos on JubakAM.com again–this time using YouTube as a platform. My one-hundredth-and ninth YouTube video “Quick Pick Yara International” went up today. This week, my Quick Pick is Yara International (YARIY), a Norwegian producer of fertilizer. In yesterday’s video I recommended adding exposure to agricultural commodities to your portfolio as the Russian invasion of Ukraine rumbles on. I like Yara because of that short-term story as well as its long-term focus on green agriculture and decarbonizing the food chain using Norway’s supplies of hydropower to produce green ammonia. I added the stock to my 2-18 month Jubak Picks Portfolio on January 18. It was down 14% since then as of the close on March 4.