There’s a place for fundamental, long-term investing in your portfolio even in this market
To subscribe to JAM you need to fill in some details below including, ahem, some info on how you'll pay us. A subscription is $199 (although if you're subscribing with one of our special offers it will be lower) for a year for ongoing and continuing access to the...
Apple keeps the pressure on Microsoft (mostly but spares a thought or two for Google too) at its developers conference today
To subscribe to JAM you need to fill in some details below including, ahem, some info on how you'll pay us. A subscription is $199 (although if you're subscribing with one of our special offers it will be lower) for a year for ongoing and continuing access to the...3 picks for a sideways market–and more thoughts on the New Paranormal
To subscribe to JAM you need to fill in some details below including, ahem, some info on how you'll pay us. A subscription is $199 (although if you're subscribing with one of our special offers it will be lower) for a year for ongoing and continuing access to the...
Buying anything now is a contrarian move–but I think Apple’s upside justifies the risk
To subscribe to JAM you need to fill in some details below including, ahem, some info on how you'll pay us. A subscription is $199 (although if you're subscribing with one of our special offers it will be lower) for a year for ongoing and continuing access to the...Buy on the dip in this market? Very, very carefully. But the bargains are out there–or soon will be
To subscribe to JAM you need to fill in some details below including, ahem, some info on how you'll pay us. A subscription is $199 (although if you're subscribing with one of our special offers it will be lower) for a year for ongoing and continuing access to the...
The options market says that the next battle between longs and shorts on Apple is set for May at $644
For the short-term I think the options market is a better guide to Apple’s share price than the fundamentals in Apple’s March quarter earnings report. And the options market is pointing to $644 as the next key price. I think Apple will eventually get above $650 a share but it may take a couple of attempts over the summer

Apple reports earnings tomorrow–hope you’re ready for some gaming of the numbers
To subscribe to JAM you need to fill in some details below including, ahem, some info on how you'll pay us. A subscription is $199 (although if you're subscribing with one of our special offers it will be lower) for a year for ongoing and continuing access to the...
Apple sells off for a fifth day; a chance to buy approaching
To subscribe to JAM you need to fill in some details below including, ahem, some info on how you'll pay us. A subscription is $199 (although if you're subscribing with one of our special offers it will be lower) for a year for ongoing and continuing access to the...
Apple shows that a higher share price comes with some unexpected side effects
To subscribe to JAM you need to fill in some details below including, ahem, some info on how you'll pay us. A subscription is $199 (although if you're subscribing with one of our special offers it will be lower) for a year for ongoing and continuing access to the...By mid-2012 Nokia could see light at the end of the tunnel–and then Microsoft has to come through with the software
To subscribe to JAM you need to fill in some details below including, ahem, some info on how you'll pay us. A subscription is $199 (although if you're subscribing with one of our special offers it will be lower) for a year for ongoing and continuing access to the...