June 29, 2021 | C, Daily JAM, KBWB, Morning Briefing, USB |
That didn’t take long. On Thursday the Federal Reserve reported that all 23 big banks tested in its annual stress test, passed. Which means that the last remaining restrictions on dividend increases and share buybacks are now history. Yesterday big banks started to announce dividend increases
March 25, 2021 | C, Daily JAM, Dividend Income, KBWB, Perfect Five-ETFs, USB |
U.S. banks that pass their next stress tests will be allowed to raise their dividends after June 30, the Federal Reserve said today, March 25. The Fed will also lift any remaining restrictions on stock buybacks.
July 12, 2018 | Daily JAM, KBWB, Perfect Five-ETFs, Stock Alerts, Volatility |
As I outlined in my recent special report "Five Places to Hide from a Downturn--and Still Make Some Money" on my JubakAssetManagemnt.com site, Â I think worry over the added downside potential for stocks created by everything from the tariff war, to higher interest...
May 22, 2018 | Daily JAM, KBWB, Perfect Five-ETFs, Stock Alerts |
Of the five ETFs in my Perfect 5 ETF Portfolio only one has outperformed the S&P 500. Since I added it to the portfolio on October 5, 2017 the PowerShares KBW Bank Portfolio ETF (KBWB) has gained 11.01% through 3:30 p.m. on May 22. That beats the second-best 8.45%...
October 5, 2017 | Daily JAM, KBWB, Perfect Five-ETFs |
Now we get to a really, really hard pick. It’s so hard because our rules, assumptions, and portfolio allocations for fixed income assets is so heavily influenced by a fifteen year period that’s now over. Done with. Gone.