No Greek deal today promises volatility tomorrow as traders try to position themselves ahead of the weekend

The timing—Saturday meeting and Sunday deal (maybe) or (maybe) currency controls on Monday—leaves traders and investors with the real dilemma: Do they go into the weekend with long positions in European stocks and bonds that might take a big hit at the open on Monday or do they sell tomorrow (Friday) to reduce exposure?

Greek Prime Minister goes after the IMF. Hard

Maybe the speech was part of an attempt to split the creditor group by attacking the IMF, which has been the most adamant of the creditors in demanding that Greece get specific about its plans for budget cuts and pension reforms. Maybe Prime Minister Tsipras thinks he can get the European Commission, marginally the creditor that seems to be most sympathetic with Greek demands, to broker a political deal without the IMF

Are we getting to the whacko, extremely volatile end game in the Greek debt crisis?

Why, you might well ask (and probably have) am I spending so much time tracking the ins and outs of the Greek debt crisis? Because in the short run this is exactly the kind of scary venture into completely uncharted territory—no country has ever left the euro and in fact an exit was never even contemplated when the euro was put together—that can produce a panicked plunge in asset prices