Stock Alerts

Buying iShares China Large Cap ETF for my Perfect 5 ETF Portfolio tomorrow, April 21, selling Invesco Japanese Yen ETF, changing other locations slightly

Buying iShares China Large Cap ETF for my Perfect 5 ETF Portfolio tomorrow, April 21, selling Invesco Japanese Yen ETF, changing other locations slightly

Right now it's hard to find a good asset to use to diversity a low-risk portfolio such as my Perfect 5 ETF Portfolio. Gold works most of the time except when stock investors and traders use it as a source of cash to meet margin calls on stocks. Utilities work at least...
Nidec splits 2/1

Nidec splits 2/1

No, the problems in the Chinese auto industry--a big customer for Nidec's (NJDCY) small motors and electric drive trains--didn't suddenly spike and cut Nidec's share price in half. The Japanese company executed a 2/1 split on April 9. I bought these shares in my 50...