Is a slow-motion credit crunch already here?

Is a slow-motion credit crunch already here?

Thanks, folks. For weeks now I've been writing about an impending credit crunch that would produce a reset (a polite term for a big whoosh down the toilet) in global asset prices. The problem, I've noted, is that while a credit crunch seems likely, putting a time to...
Is a slow-motion credit crunch already here?

How to manage risk in this market when the traditional risk safe havens aren’t working

If you spend a significant part of your day staring at your computer to watch the markets, you know that, perplexingly, the traditional safe havens for mitigating portfolio risk haven’t been working very well. Now Goldman Sachs has put its computers and data crunchers to work and has reached the same conclusion as the anecdotal evidence suggested. Goldman has tagged this a period of “diversification desperation.”