Rotation, rotation, rotation

Rotation, rotation, rotation

There's nothing basically wrong with rotation. It makes sense to move money from a sector that has appreciated rapidly and to nose-bleed levels to a sector that has lagged and now looks undervalued. Rotations can, however, also signal a topping market. Investors and...
Do you see what I see?

Do you see what I see?

This morning what I saw in photos and videos from this past Memorial Day weekend was a country rushing pell mell toward re-opening the economy without a thought for safety amidst a still uncontrolled coronavirus outbreak. I saw photos of crowds at beaches, on board...
The re-opening rally is back on

The re-opening rally is back on

Today is all about optimism--forget plunging oil prices, uncertain earnings, or a first quarter drop in GDP-- for an upturn in the economy as more states--Colorado is newest to climb on board--re-open parts of their economies. Today, at least, no one is worried,...
Is the re-opening rally over already?

Is the re-opening rally over already?

Last week President Donald Trump delivered a "nothing burger" of guidance for re-opening the economy. The President's guidance followed the steps that most public health experts have laid out for when and how to re-open the economy. A massive increase in testing from...