Saturday Night Quarterback says (on a Sunday), For the week ahead expect…

Saturday Night Quarterback says (on a Sunday), For the week ahead expect…

I’m look for a test of the Friday’s rotation into technology stocks and away from anything that depends on economies remaining relatively free of Pandemic restrictions. On Friday, the winners were technology shares–Apple, Amazon, Tesla, Nvidia, for example–that have in the past been able to show revenue and earnings growth despite any economic slowdown resulting from Covid shutdowns. And the losers were the stocks of companies–such as Six Flags, United Airlines, Macy’s, for example, that depend on the continued recovery in economic activity. The immediate impetus for this sentiment came from news that Austria would impose Pandemic economic lockdowns–again–in an effort to slow soaring rates of infection. The believe is that Germany, the Netherlands, France, and the United Kingdom aren’t far behind. And the fear is that the United States will follow some time this winter. Add that to worries of elevated and rising inflation–where technology companies are seen as one of the few sectors able to outgrow inflation–and you’ve got significant sentiment to push technology shares higher. Logically.

Trick or trend: Black Friday sales disappoint unless you’re an online retailer

Trick or trend: Black Friday sales disappoint unless you’re an online retailer

In person visits to physical stores in the United States fell by 52% on Black Friday compared to a year ago, according to preliminary data from Sensormatic Solutions. That follows on a 95% plunge in foot traffic to stores from a year ago on Thanksgiving Day  as many retailers chose to close that day.
On the other hand, sales at online retailers grew on Thanksgiving Day, climbing to $5.1 billion from $4.2 billion in 2019, according to preliminary data

These 10 retailers are at a high risk of bankruptcy

These 10 retailers are at a high risk of bankruptcy has published a list of 10 retailers at high risk of bankruptcy. According to data provided by CreditRiskMonitor, these companies have a FRISK score of 1, which indicates that they have an estimated 10% to 50% chance of filing for bankruptcy within 12...