It looks we might get a China trade deal before one on NAFTA

It looks we might get a China trade deal before one on NAFTA

Today, House Speaker Paul Ryan announced a May 17 deadline for the Trump administration to submit a proposal NAFTA revision to Congress–if President Trump wants this Congress to vote on a revised agreement. The odds of an agreement emerging from current talks and moving on to Congress on that schedule are just about nil. At the same time news of significant horse trading is coming out of U.S.-China trade talks.

Closing my first two earnings surprise call options with gains of 49% and 70% in less than a month

Closing my first two earnings surprise call options with gains of 49% and 70% in less than a month

With the Federal Reserve and Apple’s earnings behind us, this week the market has responded by strongly bidding up the prices of Nvidia and SolarEdge Technologies–and their options–strongly ahead of earnings announcements on May 9 and on May 10. I added call options on these stocks to my Volatility Portfolio on April 17 as the first move in my strategy for profiting from the 2018 earnings boom. My gains: 49% and 70%

So much for Argentina having turned the corner toward financial stability–selling ARGT and GGAL out of my Volatility Portfolio

So much for Argentina having turned the corner toward financial stability–selling ARGT and GGAL out of my Volatility Portfolio

It feels like panic rather than a plan. Because, I think, it is panic without a plan. The central bank of Argentina raised its benchmark interest rate another 3 percentage points today (that’s not 3 or 30 basis points but 300–a full 3 percentage points.) This comes after the central bank raised interest rates 3 percentage points last Friday. The benchmark rate now stands at 33.25%, the highest in the world

Special premium report Part 1: My 2018 earnings boom profit strategy–and two picks

Special premium report Part 1: My 2018 earnings boom profit strategy–and two picks

With the report of first quarter earnings season from Netflix (NFLX) on Monday, April 16, we’ve moved into the heart of earnings season. In most quarters traders began putting on plays for earnings announcements a few weeks before reporting starts. And they’ll keep making new bets over the next three weeks or so. In most quarters buying shares or options on companies about to report makes profitable sense. But this strategy is likely to be even more rewarding this year

How to manage risk in this market when the traditional risk safe havens aren’t working

How to manage risk in this market when the traditional risk safe havens aren’t working

If you spend a significant part of your day staring at your computer to watch the markets, you know that, perplexingly, the traditional safe havens for mitigating portfolio risk haven’t been working very well. Now Goldman Sachs has put its computers and data crunchers to work and has reached the same conclusion as the anecdotal evidence suggested. Goldman has tagged this a period of “diversification desperation.”