Special Reports

Special Report: It’s a new world for dividend income investors: 3 trends (all now posted) and 10 picks (all first now posted PFE, BEPC, NKE, EQNR, V, HON, T, VZ, RTX, ABBV)

Special Report: It’s a new world for dividend income investors: 3 trends (all now posted) and 10 picks (all first now posted PFE, BEPC, NKE, EQNR, V, HON, T, VZ, RTX, ABBV)

Let’s say you’re a dividend income investor. You need cash income in retirement. Or you want your portfolio to generate cash now so you can invest in new opportunities. Or you just want the extra safety and lower risk that owning a stock with a substantial dividend can bring. Whatever your reasons–and I can think of a lot more–this is a particularly challenging financial market for dividend income investors.But I do think there are strategies dividend income investors can successfully pursue even in this challenging market. In the rest of this Special Report I’m going to explain the three ways I think you should be thinking about dividend income investing in this market. And then I’m going to give you 10 dividend stocks that I think are especially well-suited to producing income (and price appreciation, which is always nice even if you’re an income investor) in this market environment. First pick just posted–Pfizer

Special Report: 7 Steps to Take Now to Protect Your Portfolio While You Still Reap Market Gains–Steps 1-5

Special Report: 7 Steps to Take Now to Protect Your Portfolio While You Still Reap Market Gains–Steps 1-5

Can you have your cake and eat it too? That’s basically the question stock investors and traders face now. Is there a way to build a strategy that will put profits in your pocket if the rally that set in at the end of 2023 continues? And that will hedge the downside so the your portfolio won’t tumble if the market does? Or that will at least lose less? Or that might even make some money on its downside bets. I think there is. And that’s the subject of this Special Report. Today Steps 1-3

Special Report: 10 Penny Stock Home Runs–Pick #1 LAZR, #2 PILBF, #3 GWH, #4 NLLSF, #5 LYSDY, #6 VWDRY, #7 LCCTF

Special Report: 10 Penny Stock Home Runs–Pick #1 LAZR, #2 PILBF, #3 GWH, #4 NLLSF, #5 LYSDY, #6 VWDRY, #7 LCCTF

Usually I start off one of these stock-picking Special Reports by building a paradigm that I can use to screen for the kind of stocks I’m looking for. For this Special Report: 10 Penny Stock Home Runs I’m going to reverse that process and begin with the 10 picks.My first pick is Luminar Technologies.

Special Report: My 10 Picks for how to invest in climate change NOW–3 first 3 picks, LAZR, PLBF and GWH

Here’s how I characterize developments in the global climate crisis in 2023: It was the year when hot air confronted cold cash. And as you might expect cold cash won.

Which gives me the framework for how to invest in the global climate crisis over the next 12 to 24 months. I’m going to use natural gas to develop my investing paradigm. And then I’m going to give you four sectors in which to concentrate your investments. And 10 specific picks for your money. I expect that I’ll be revisiting the topic of how to invest in the global climate crisis again before too long–because I think today’s paradigm will need substantial revision not all that far down the road.

In Part 1 today, I’m going to develop that paradigm. In Part 2 I’m going to tell you why I think nuclear energy, utility scale battery storage, wind and solar are the sectors that deserve your investment cash and attention (and why electric vehicles don’t make the cut now.) In Part 3, I’ll give you the ten stocks and ETFs I’d pick for these four sectors.

Step #8 in my Special Report: Sell DE, CAT and BHP tomorrow

Step #8 in my Special Report: Sell DE, CAT and BHP tomorrow

Today I posted Step #8 in my Special Report: 8 Steps to Protect Your Portfolio from the Global Debt Bomb. I recommended selling Deere (DE), Caterpillar (CAT), and BHP Group (BHP) out of portfolios ahead of rising yields i the bond market. (In the case of Deere, I said I would keep my position in my long-term portfolio but sell the position in my 12-18 month portfolio.) Here’s what I posted in my Special Report

Special Report: 10 Contrarian Bargains to Buy Now–My first 3 picks are Luminar, Nidec, and Barrick

Special Report: 10 Contrarian Bargains to Buy Now–My first 3 picks are Luminar, Nidec, and Barrick

a lot of individual stocks are cheap right now, I’d argue. 180 of the 500 stocks in the S&P 500 trade now at the same or lower price that they commanded a year ago. And for many individual stocks the performance is even worse. For example, Luminar Technologies (LAZR), a maker of LIDAR safety and navigation equipment for cars, is down 40% in the last three months. Albemarle, the world’s leading supplier of lithium, is off 27% in the last three months. Nidec (NJDCY), a Japanese maker of small electric motors and electric vehicle drive trains, is down 13% in the last three months. I’d argue that these and the rest of the 10 Contrarian bargain stocks that I’m going to recommend in this Special Report share a number of characteristics that have led to their losses over the last few months or longer.

Special Report: 7 Steps to Take Now to Protect Your Portfolio While You Still Reap Market Gains–Steps 1-5

Special Report: Your 10 Best Moves for the Rest of 2023, Part 2–10 of 10 Moves (revised on 10/22)

So what do you do with your portfolio for the rest of 2023? And what’s your best strategy to be prepared for 2024? In Part 1 of this Special Report I laid out the 10 developments that I thought would drive the financial markets for the rest of 223 and into 2024. Today, in Part 2, I’m going to give you the first 2 of 10 moves to take–with as much detail and as many specifics as possible–that you should be making now to position your portfolio for the uncertainties of the last quarter of 2023.

Special Report: 7 Steps to Take Now to Protect Your Portfolio While You Still Reap Market Gains–Steps 1-5

Special Report: Your 10 best moves for the rest of 2023–Part 1, 10 trends for the rest of 2023

In this Special Report I’m going to start by sorting out the data that the market’s moves will likely depend on for the rest of 2023. That’s today’s post, Part 1 of this Special Report. Then I’ll try to handicap the likelihood that the data will zig or zag. And give you a sense of how far away from the current consensus the actual result might fall. And then finally, I’ll give you 10 moves for the rest of 2023 that are the most likely, in my opinion, to result in profits and that won’t wind up costing you big if the data winds up throwing investors a curve.