Long Term

Fitch Ratings calls out China’s growing debt load–what worries me is that China isn’t alone

Fitch Ratings calls out China’s growing debt load–what worries me is that China isn’t alone

Fitch Ratings revised China’s outlook to negative from stable. The Big 3 rating company (along with Standard & Poor’s and Moody’s Investor Services) said the government is likely to pile on debt as it seeks to pull the economy out of a real estate-driven slowdown.The Fitch announcement matches a similar warning from Moody’s Investors Service in December. China’s public debt has risen rapidly over the past dozen years or so, as the government pumped money into the economy in order to prop up economic growth. To end a now years-long property slump, the government has already outlined new stimulus measures—like subsidies for households and businesses that want to upgrade appliances or machinery— and signaled that more will follow.Public debt was close to 80% of gross domestic product as of the middle of last year, roughly double the level of the mid-2010s, according to the Bank for International Settlements.

Hey, Federal Reserve! What about the real world like, oh, wages?

Hey, Federal Reserve! What about the real world like, oh, wages?

You know the saying, When all you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail? How about this data world version, When you don’t track the data, you can’t see the problem? I was drawn to paraphrase the classic hammer/nail adage by the release of the Federal Reserve’s most recent economic projections, the Dot Plot, on Wednesday, March 20 when I thought about the economic data the Fed didn’t include in its projections.

My 10 Penny Stock Homeruns Pick #9: Lithium Americas (LAC)

My 10 Penny Stock Homeruns Pick #9: Lithium Americas (LAC)

This week Lithium Americas’ efforts to develop a huge new lithium mine at Thacker Pass in Nevada got a big a boost when the Department of Energy announced a $2.26 billion loan to the company to build processing facilities at the project. This gives the company the financing it needs to take the mine to first phase production scheduled for 2027. Plans call for producing 40,000 tons of battery grade lithium carbonate per year when the first phase of production begins.

Long-term investors! This is the most important trend to think about–the global savings glut is ending

Long-term investors! This is the most important trend to think about–the global savings glut is ending

Way back in 2005, shortly before he became chair of the Federal Reserve, economist Ben Bernanke proposed that the world was seeing a long-term glut of savings. With the world awash in cash as a result of massive numbers of people in the developing world entering the job market, and as the Baby Boom generation (and others) hit its peak earning years, and as relatively low inflation and rising real wages freed up more cash for many consumers, long-term interest rates would stay low and remain low for longer. The thesis looks, in retrospect, to have been massively correct. The global economy did experience a long period of extraordinarily low interest rates, with interest rates turning negative for important chunks of the the world. Now, it looks like the long-term trend has gone into reverse. We’re headed into a period of cash scarcity.

Nvidia lifts most but not all tech boats

Nvidia lifts most but not all tech boats

Yesterday, Thursday, February 22, Nvidia (NVDA) gained 16.40% at the close after beating Wall Street expectations on earnings and revenue after the market close on Wednesday. And then raising guidance for the rest of 2024. But what most interested me on Thursday were what tech stocks Nvidia carried higher with it–and which stocks it didn’t.

Yes, I’d buy Palo Alto Networks today–with these caveats

Yes, I’d buy Palo Alto Networks today–with these caveats

After yesterday’s earnings report–the company beat Wall Street estimates for the quarter–and radically lower guidance for next quarter and the rest of 2024–total billings for next quarter will grow by just 2% to 4% and revenue for all of 2024 will grow by just 15% to 16% from 2023–shares of Palo Alto Networks (PANW) took a big hit right between the eyes. The stock fell 28.44% at the close and lost $104.12 a share to $261.97. What do I recommend? I’d say “buy” with a couple of caveats. Why buy?

Palo Alto takes a beating after it lowers guidance; preview of Nvidia tomorrow?

Palo Alto takes a beating after it lowers guidance; preview of Nvidia tomorrow?

t should be a familiar story in this priced-to-perfection market: Company beats big in current quarter but lowers guidance and stock takes a dive. Latest victim? Palo Alto Networks (PANW). The stock is down 14.09% at 4:30 New York time today. And with Nvidia scheduled to report tomorrow after the close, you can bet the market will be on edge tomorrow.