Special Reports

Special Report: It’s a New World for Dividend Investors Pick #9 Raytheon
Bookkeeping. I added Raytheon (RTX) as Pick #9 for my New World for Dividend Investing Special Report (You can find it in the Special Report section of this site along with all the content on this market and its trends for Dividend Income investors. But I’m reposting it as a stand alone pick so no one misses it.

Special Report: 7 Steps to Protect Your Portfolio While You Still Reap Market Gains: Step #4 Build a Short-Teem Bond Ladder
Step 4: Build a short-term Treasury bond ladder The yield on the 10-year Treasury bond climbed another 7 basis points today, April 5. That’s a gain in yield of 23 basis points in one month. So yes, it’s time to build a bond ladder in Treasuries.

Special Report It’s a New World for Dividend Income Investors Stock Pick #8 Verizon
Bookkeeping. I added Verizon (VZ) as Pick #8 for my New World for Dividend Investing Special Report (You can find it in the Special Report section of this site along with all the content on this market and its trends for Dividend Income investors. But I’m reposting it as a stand alone pick so no one misses it. Dividend Pick #8: Verizon (VZ) The question for Verizon–and for dividend investors–is remarkably similar to the question for AT&T (T): Can a management that has run up a huge debt load find the discipline to use the company’s immense cash flows to pay down debt?

Special Report: It’s a New World for Dividend Investors Pick #7 AT&T
Bookkeeping. I added AT&T (T) as Pick #7 for my New World for Dividend Investing Special Report (You can find it in the Special Report section of this site along with all the content on this market and its trends for Dividend Income investors. But I’m reposting it as a stand alone pick so no one misses it.

Special Report New World of Dividend Investing Pick #6 Honeywell
Bookkeeping. I added Honeywell (HON) as Pick #6 for my New World for Dividend Investing Special Report (You can find it in the Special Report section of this site along with all the content on this market and its trends for Dividend Income investors. But I’m reposting it as a stand alone pick so no one misses it.

Special Report It’s a New World for Dividend Income Investors Pick #5 Visa
Bookkeeping. I added Visa as Pick #5 for my New World of Dividend Investors Special Report (You can find it in the Special Report section of this site along with all the content on this market and its trends for Dividend Income investors. But I’m reposting it as a stand alone pick so no one misses it.

Special Report A New World for Dividend Investors Pick #4 Equinor
Equinor (EQNR) is Pick #4 in my Special Report A New World for Dividend Investors. I posted this pick in my long Special Report post. But I wanted to flag it here as well so no one wouldl miss the pick. Dividend Pick #4: Equinor (EQNR)

Special Report A New World for Dividend Investors Pick #3 Nike
Bookkeeping. I made Nike Pick No. 3 in my Special Report A New World for Dividend Investors. You can find the pick and write up i nmy long Special Report post. But I wanted to flag the pick here so no one would miss it. Dividend Pick #3: Nike (NKE)

Special Report: A New World for Dividends Pick #2 BEPC
Bookkeeping. I added this pick to my long Special Report post. I just want to make sure no one missed it. Dividend pick No.2: Brookfield Renewable Corp. (BEPC)

Special Report: New World for Dividends Pick #1 Pfizer
Bookkeeping. I added Pfizer as the first of 10 picks in my Special Report A New World for Dividends. You can find this write up on that long Special Reports post. But I want to make no one misses that pick and update.

Special Report: It’s a new world for dividend income investors: 3 trends (all now posted) and 10 picks (now posted PFE, BEPC, NKE, EQNR, V, HON, T, VZ, RTX, ABBV)
Let’s say you’re a dividend income investor. You need cash income in retirement. Or you want your portfolio to generate cash now so you can invest in new opportunities. Or you just want the extra safety and lower risk that owning a stock with a substantial dividend can bring. Whatever your reasons–and I can think of a lot more–this is a particularly challenging financial market for dividend income investors.But I do think there are strategies dividend income investors can successfully pursue even in this challenging market. In the rest of this Special Report I’m going to explain the three ways I think you should be thinking about dividend income investing in this market. And then I’m going to give you 10 dividend stocks that I think are especially well-suited to producing income (and price appreciation, which is always nice even if you’re an income investor) in this market environment. First pick just posted–Pfizer

Special Report: 7 Steps to Take Now to Protect Your Portfolio While You Still Reap Market Gains–Steps 1-5
Can you have your cake and eat it too? That’s basically the question stock investors and traders face now. Is there a way to build a strategy that will put profits in your pocket if the rally that set in at the end of 2023 continues? And that will hedge the downside so the your portfolio won’t tumble if the market does? Or that will at least lose less? Or that might even make some money on its downside bets. I think there is. And that’s the subject of this Special Report. Today Steps 1-3

Special Report: 10 Penny Stock Homeruns #6 LYSDY
Lynas, one of the largest producers of rare earth minerals outside of China (and one of only two non-Chinese processors of rare earth minerals) is my sixth Penny stock pick for my Special Report.

Special Report: 10 Penny Stock Home Runs Pick #5 VWDRY
My 10 Penny Stock Homeruns Pick #5: Vestas Wind Systems (VWDRY).
Technically, the Vestas Wind Systems ADR (VWDRY) isn’t a penny stock. By the strict definition, a penny stock sells for $5 or less and the Vestas ADR closed on $9.06 today, February 14. But I included Vestas in my previous penny stock list back on July 11, 2022, even though the stock closed at $7.80 that day. With the company reporting a return to profitability for 2023 in its fourth quarter earnings report released today, I think Vestas has (finally) turned the corner. And, frankly, I just don’t want drop it from this list just as things get good again for the company and its investors. (Vestas is a member of my Jubak’s Picks Portfolio. The position is up 65.6% since initiation on March 4, 2019.) Tomorrow, February 15, I’ll also add Vestas to my long-term 50 Stocks Portfolio.

Special Report: 10 Penny Stock Homeruns Pick #4 NLLSF
I’m playing catch up on this Special Report. I’ve got picks #5, #6, and #7 almost ready to post. My 10 Penny Stock Homeruns Pick #4: Nel (NLLSF).