January 23, 2025 | AMZN, AVGO, CRM, Daily JAM, GOOG, MRVL, NVDA, Special Reports, TSM |
In 2025 you will want your portfolio fully weighted toward AI, ENERGY, and WEIGHT-LOSS DRUG stocks.
Not just any stock in those sectors, of course. All three sectors will be full of surprises and they won’t play out the way the conventional wisdom now believes. Some stocks in these sectors will do just okay as a rising tide lifts all boats. But some stocks will be GREAT. These winners could be the foundation for another great year for your portfolio. In fact, I expect that 2025 will be a tough year for an investor to make money even if stocks do finish higher. That’s because the year will be filled with more than the usual twists and turns designed make you sell on fear just when you should be holding on or even buying more. And don’t think that the year won’t include more than one of those moments rallies designed to suck you in at the top because–well, because you fear missing out. Yes, FOMO, fear of missing out will be alive and well in 2025. To do well in 2025, you’ll have to not only pick the hot trends, but also understand when that trend is about to zig zag and which stocks you’ll want to ride through all the noise and chaos. Giving you what you need for profits in 2025vis what this Special Report: 10 stock picks for the hottest sectors of 2025 is all about.And there’s no better sector to demonstrate the challenges of 2025 than Artificial Intelligence, the first of my hottest sectors for 2025. (The next two hot trends, energy and weight-loss drugs will follow in the next few days.)
February 26, 2021 | CRM, CTVA, Daily JAM, ILMN, ISRG, Jubak Picks, PANW, Top 50 Stocks, VMW, Volatility, WST, You Might Have Missed |
On to Stage #2 in my Special Report: “Profit and Protect–What you need to know about stock market stages for 2021. And to my rules for the sells and hedges in Stage #2 for 2021: When you win, you lose. (I just posted sells for ILMN, CTVA, WST and VMW)
June 25, 2020 | CRM, Daily JAM, Jubak Picks, Stock Alerts |
Salesforce (CRM) has hit my $185 a share target price. I'm selling it out of my Jubak Picks Portfolio with a 37.42% gain since I added that position back on November 1, 2018. Why sell rather than up the target price? A couple of four reasons for what amounts to taking...
June 10, 2019 | CRM, Daily JAM, Stock Alerts |
To subscribe to JAM you need to fill in some details below including, ahem, some info on how you'll pay us. A subscription is $199 (although if you're subscribing with one of our special offers it will be lower) for a year for ongoing and continuing access to the...
March 4, 2019 | CRM, Daily JAM, Stock Alerts |
To subscribe to JAM you need to fill in some details below including, ahem, some info on how you'll pay us. A subscription is $199 (although if you're subscribing with one of our special offers it will be lower) for a year for ongoing and continuing access to the...
November 26, 2018 | ADSK, AMAT, CRM, Daily JAM, MGM, Morning Briefing, Short Term |
The huge bounce on Wednesday, November 21, isn't a guarantee of another bounce. But it does testify that a bounce is possible in this market. It tells us something about the likely conditions for a bounce--low volume days of the sort that are increasingly frequent at...
October 31, 2018 | CRM, Daily JAM, Stock Alerts |
When I added Salesforce.com (CRM) as my third artificial intelligence pick in my Next Big Thing Special Report yesterday, I wrote that given the volatility in the general market "I think I'd like to see the stock hold the 200-day moving average or move above it before...