Special Report: Profit and Protect–What you need to know about stock market stages for 2021–Stage 2 of 3: My rules for selling in the “When you win, you lose market” (and sells of ILMN, CTVA, WST, and VMW)

Special Report: Profit and Protect–What you need to know about stock market stages for 2021–Stage 2 of 3: My rules for selling in the “When you win, you lose market” (and sells of ILMN, CTVA, WST, and VMW)

On to Stage #2 in my Special Report: “Profit and Protect–What you need to know about stock market stages for 2021. And to my rules for the sells and hedges in Stage #2 for 2021: When you win, you lose. (I just posted sells for ILMN, CTVA, WST and VMW)