And now there are three–antitrust lawsuits against Google

And now there are three–antitrust lawsuits against Google

Democratic and Republican attorney’s general from 38 states, led by Colorado and Nebraska, have filed an antitrust lawsuit against Google (GOOG). The suit alleges that Alphabet manipulates its search results to give its own products and services greater rankings over rivals—depriving web users from seeing the best options whenever they query the web for shopping, dining, and travel

Buying Dow tomorrow in my Dividend Portfolio, Pick #8 in my Special Report “10 Dividend Stocks that are beating the risky rockets”

Dow (DOW) certainly fits the dividend template that I’ve explained in my Special Report: “10 Dividend Stocks that are beating the risky rockets. The stock yields 5.26% after a 0.20% gain today December 9. That compares to a yield of just 2.8% in July 2017 and 3.1% in December 2016. The stock also shows a 1.06% price to sales ratio on today. I think we’re looking at a cheap stock. Tomorrow I’l be adding it to my Dividend Portfolio.

Cast your vote today for the Kensington merger

Cast your vote today for the Kensington merger

If you bought shares of Kensington Capital Acquisition (KCAC) along with me on October 13, you’re received a solicitation for a proxy vote to approve the reverse merger of Kensington with privately held QuantumScape, a startup solid state lithium battery company. The merger wis a way for Quantumscape to go public. (Kensington was the 14th and last pick in my Special Report: 10 Stocks for the Post-Coronavirus economy. Kensington has called a special meeting for shareholders for November 25 to approve the merger. You can vote online to 11:59 p.m. tonight. I plan to vote in favor of the merger, since that’s the whole reason for owning shares of Kensington.