Special Report: Profit and Protect–What you need to know about stock market stages for 2021–Stage 2 of 3: My rules for selling in the “When you win, you lose market” (and sells of ILMN, CTVA, WST, and VMW)

Special Report: Profit and Protect–What you need to know about stock market stages for 2021–Stage 2 of 3: My rules for selling in the “When you win, you lose market” (and sells of ILMN, CTVA, WST, and VMW)

On to Stage #2 in my Special Report: “Profit and Protect–What you need to know about stock market stages for 2021. And to my rules for the sells and hedges in Stage #2 for 2021: When you win, you lose. (I just posted sells for ILMN, CTVA, WST and VMW)

Buy, sell, repeat–I’m not buying on the dip yet–but I am making a few quick trades to take advantage of the volatility; my trade today in AMAT is an example

Buy, sell, repeat–I’m not buying on the dip yet–but I am making a few quick trades to take advantage of the volatility; my trade today in AMAT is an example

I’m very reluctant to go bottom fishing here–since I can’t tell where the bottom might be and the one-day losses are significant here. Tesla (TSLA), for example, was down 8.06% TODAY. That’s $59.80 dollars a share. Teladoc (TDOC) dropped 13.74% or $34.98 a share. Guessing wrong on a bottom could be very expensive here. But I am willing to try a few trades. Nothing fancy. Very short-term. But using stocks with very strong longer-term stories that make me feel good about the longer-term prospects for the stocks. And to believe that there are significant numbers of potential bargain hunters hiding in the bushes. So, for example, I’ve been trading in and out of the Call Options on Applied Materials (AMAT).

Xylem is my 10th Special Report: Profit and Protect pick on the climate change trend

Xylem is my 10th Special Report: Profit and Protect pick on the climate change trend

I’m making Xylem (XYLEM) the 10th and last pick for Stage 1 in my Special Report on the stock market stages for 2021. The stock fills the final slot in my three picks for the climate change trend. The collapse of the energy delivery system in the deep freeze that killed so many people and disrupted the economy from Texas east to Ohio has received the bulk of the headlines. But the stories about families left without drinking water–or indeed water of any sort–should remind us that climate change is also a water crisis.

Intuitive Surgical Pick #10 for my new Millennial Portfolio (for investors who have more time than money); also adding it to Jubak Picks

Intuitive Surgical Pick #10 for my new Millennial Portfolio (for investors who have more time than money); also adding it to Jubak Picks

In my first 10 (actually to be 11 since I’ve got another pick up my sleeve) picks for my new Millennial Portfolio (for investors who have more time than money) I’ve been on the hunt for shares of companies with long, long revenue and earnings growth runways ahead of them, with short-term catalysts that might produce enough of a gain in the near term to keep investors on board for the long run, and some bad news in the present that been negative enough to take a bite of the stock price. Today, February 15, I’m adding Intuitive Surgical to my Millennial Portfolio and to my Jubak Picks Portfolio

MGM Pick #9 for my new Millennial Portfolio (for investors who have more time than money)

MGM Pick #9 for my new Millennial Portfolio (for investors who have more time than money)

I’m taking advantage of today’s drop in shares of MGM Resorts International (MGM) after yesterday’s earnings report to add these shares to my new Millennial Portfolio. The stock dropped on bad pandemic performance from the company’s Las Vegas casinos and resorts and a slide in revenue from its Macao operations. But revenue from online betting soared. And that business is the future of MGM–and the reason that investors with long-time horizons would want to own this stock. (And it won’t hurt at all, when revenue picks up from Las Vegas operations once the pandemic is in the rear-view mirror.

COPX Pick #8 for my new Millennial Portfolio (for investors who have more time than money)

COPX Pick #8 for my new Millennial Portfolio (for investors who have more time than money)

In today’s YouTube Video “Avoiding Di-Worsification in 2021 in argued that the trend toward high yields on long-dated Treasuries–and thus lower prices for those bonds–should prompt investors to look beyond bonds and gold in their efforts to build diversified portfolios. I’m adding a copper miners ETF to my Millennial Portfolio tomorrow as a replacement for gold and to profit from the increased copper demand resulting from larger numbers of electric cars on the road over the next decade

Yield on 10-year Treasury climbs to 1.16%–time to rethink some bond market assumptions and to start some selling

Yield on 10-year Treasury climbs to 1.16%–time to rethink some bond market assumptions and to start some selling

A year ago, the yield on the 10-year Treasury note stood at 1.59%. From that point yields fell, leading to big gains for Treasuries and other bonds. Yields were down to 0.73% as of the week of April 15, 2020. And then hit their low for 2020 during the week of August 2 at 0.55%. Since then the story for long Treasuries has been just the reverse. By October 4, the yields on 10-year Treasuries were back ump to 0.78%. 0.83% by November 1. 0.93% on December 6. And then 1.16% today February 9. The forecast right now is that yields for long Treasuries aren’t done climbing either.

More on Vaxart potential gains and risks–including my thoughts on when to re-enter

More on Vaxart potential gains and risks–including my thoughts on when to re-enter

I thought there was a possibility that Vaxart (VXRT) would recover from yesterday’s 60% drop on data from the initial Phase 1 trials of its coronavirus-vaccine-in-a-pill candidate. Especially because the initial reaction over-emphasized, in my opinion, the negatives in that data. But I suspected that yesterday’s downward trend would continue for at least another day and therefore chose to sell Vaxart shares out of my Volatility Portfolio.